🧠 ❤️ "It's almost like the dentistry is the easy part. The hard part is saying, "How can I get better as a human being?"" You don't want to miss the new episode of Kinda Different with Kim McGuire, COO at Fortune Management, on developing EQ, getting 1% better every day, and connecting with patient values.

Listen on Apple or Spotify or watch the entire episode below. A transcript is also included below.

You can find more about Kim and Fortune Management at the following places:
Website: https://fortunemgmt.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimmcguire/

Welcome back to another episode of Kinda Different, a podcast where we talk about innovation and dentistry. We connect with some of the best people out there. It literally blows me away every single time.
I'm like, man, I just love that conversation. And then we talk about how we can all together, the group effort, make dentistry more human, a better place for both patients, for providers, for staff, for all of us who are involved in this wonderful industry. I am Dr. Matt Allen, CEO, co-founder of DifferentKind, and your host for Kinda Different.
And I am thrilled to have someone who's here in Colorado. So I'm in Colorado. I'm thrilled to talk with somebody else in Colorado, because there's, you know, like in this dental space in Colorado, we have a decent number of innovators and people doing really cool things here.
So I always love getting to have these conversations with folks here in my home state. But somebody who I think occupies, and this is a theme you'll probably pick up on this, right? If you're a listener continually, you'll pick up on this theme of like, I like different perspectives and people who occupy different roles within the industry.
And I'm really, really excited to chat with Kim McGuire today from Fortune Management, who I think has fulfilled several different roles within that organization and does a lot of really cool things. So she is the COO of Fortune Management, as well as leading the Colorado kind of region for Fortune Management. You are also an amazing podcast host yourself.
So you get to be guest today, but you're also amazing podcast host on the Practice Mastery podcast that Fortune puts on. So Kim, I'm really excited to dive in. Thank you for taking the time to join me today.
I would love for you to kick us off by just giving us a little bit more about you, about Fortune, and then we'll get into the real stuff.
Wonderful. Well, thank you, Matt, so much for having me, Dr. Matt. And it's awesome also that you're a Colorado person.
It was great how we got to finally connect in person at the latest trade show that we had here in Denver a few weeks ago. Yeah, so I love what you're doing because I'm so passionate about private, well, I'm passionate about the preservation of private practice and making sure that doctors know that they have a choice and they can own their own practice and build equity for their family. And one of the main reasons for that or for my passion is because I'm a kid of a dentist and my dad had a pretty successful private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area for close to 30 years and he was actually a fortune client.
So after I graduated from college and had a couple of jobs, I fell into working with Fortune and that was now about 22 years ago. So I've been doing this for a long time both in the Bay Area and on the East Coast and now in my newly adopted state, I guess, of Colorado. I've been here for about 15 years.
But what I guess I was saying, I'm most passionate, of course, about private practice and about doctors and teams being great leaders and providing an outstanding experience for their patients. That is truly our mission. I feel like part of my vision, of course, is to help my clients and teams.
And in my heart, though, I know that it reverberates into the patients and thousands of patients getting an amazing experience. So we're so aligned in our philosophy. I just love it.
And Fortune, if you don't know, we've been around. We're going into our 35th year of being in business. So we're the leading and largest practice management full immersion program for dentists and teams.
And actually, we work in the veterinarian space and the medical space as well. But dentistry is in our roots. So we know everything but the clinical we talk about.
And because owning a business is not easy, and it's not, it used to be maybe like in my dad's age, where you could just hang up a shingle and be successful. And it's not like that anymore. So what I love is helping doctors be better leaders and create whatever vision it is for them that they want in their practice.
So I can help steer them to that. So they can have financial freedom, they can have choices, they can practice dentistry how they want, they can have a large practice, a small practice, and also giving our team members a place to work where they can thrive and they can feel like they're the captain of their own ship and hopefully make a little extra money through a bonus program and be hopefully successful in their own right. So by the way, Fortune just also we have about 130 coaches across the country in about 60 different markets.
So most likely wherever you are listening to this, we have a coach that's near you. Our philosophy is that the coach is nice and close to our clients so we can be at least within driving distance so we can take care of our clients in-house and really connect with them.
I love that. I love that. And obviously in a world of Zoom where it's certainly possible to do all of that, there still is something about being in-person with people in presence and we talk a lot about that idea on this podcast in general.
I love that idea. And yes, you guys are all over the country. Lots of people everywhere.
Awesome. Well, thank you for that background, Kim. Super exciting.
You obviously have been around the block here and you certainly understand this industry really well. I'm really excited to hear your answers to some of the things that I'm ready to ask you. Let's dive in.
We'll start with innovation. I think when people think about innovation, we say this a lot on the podcast, but when people think about innovation, I think immediately their mind goes like technology and whatnot. I'm not going to ask you anything about technology, right?
We're going to talk about other innovative ideas. And this is one of my favorite questions just in general for people because it removes all the realism, right? It's just like, hey, if you could wake up tomorrow, have your magic wand and transform anything about dental care, what would it be and why?
Okay, great. I love it. I do want to say, though, I love technology.
And I also always want to make sure that people know that the most successful and most profitable practices that there are are private practices that have adopted a lot of technology. So that is a huge part of what we teach, and we don't tell people what they need to buy. However, what we know is delivering dentistry in an easier way, in a more patient-centric way, usually takes on a lot of technology.
And if I had that magic wand, which I joke around with my clients that I wish I had my magic wand, but it's at the shop and it's getting repaired, no, I really believe that when the magic happens, when a doctor becomes a leader that truly wants to lead other people, a leader leading leaders, we oftentimes say, and knowing exactly what they want their vision to be, and having that self-awareness of how they're occurring with their team and with their patients. And I would also wave that magic wand to have all of the team members also see what an opportunity they have to work for this amazing doctor and that they can always, when people are learning and growing, they're the happiest and they're the most fulfilled. And even if you're getting pushed out of your comfort zone a bit, that's actually where you are learning and growing and achieving better things.
And so when you look back on your life, sometimes the times that were hardest are actually when you grew the most. So the magic wand would be around people getting it, that your opportunity, Mrs. Hygienist or Mr. Assistant or Miss Administrative Person, your opportunity to work in this practice can give you an amazing opportunity to grow as a professional and on a personal level and be able to impact other human beings. And we have such an opportunity in our industry that we're taking care of humans, and the mouth is connected to the rest of the body.
We're figuring that everybody else is figuring that out. You as a dentist, you already know that. And we've known that.
The impact, though, that we can make on our patients' lives is huge. And I think people lose sight of that. So I want people to...
So the magic wand would be leadership, taking advantage of an amazing opportunity, and then being connected with that human healer that we all are in dentistry.
Well, and I love your answer there because it's not like, hey, we want you to bypass the hard times in your life, right, or whatever, right? Like you're saying, the growth comes off and through those times. It's just simply what you're saying.
It sounds to me like it's just the realization of, hey, look like the growth, the self-awareness, the ability for me to step in, to lean in, to be present, to do that as a practice owner, as a staff member, whatever that might be, as a patient even, right? That is the realization. And hopefully that realization doesn't make the stuff necessarily easier.
It just makes it more manageable and makes you able to walk through it in a much better way afterwards, right? And so I love that idea. And I think it leads into my next question for you, which I don't see that, right?
I don't see that happening a ton, where I didn't learn about that in dental school. I do know, I've talked to some hygiene leaders where, in hygiene schools, they're teaching them some emotional intelligence curriculum and things like that, which I'm like, that's so helpful, right? That is so great, because yes, if you can have that realization before you start practice, before you come into these places, all the better.
But why do you think that that's still an innovative idea? And tell us just a little bit about how you help your clients at Fortune kind of operationalize self-awareness, growth mindset, et cetera.
Sure. Well, I also, we are business coaches at Fortune, right? So we've got to help our clients grow their business.
What I have seen, just to reinforce the point, is that the most successful practices all across this country, and we work with some of the biggest and most, and when I say most successful, I mean, people aren't crazy stressed out. They're making a ton of money. They've got a lot of e-book out of the bottom line after they pay themselves as dentists, or maybe they don't even practice.
They don't hold a handpiece anymore. So we're seeing that. And the most successful practices have a leader at the helm who gets this.
Now, here's the thing. We're all born with a certain IQ. And if you're a dentist listening to this podcast, you probably have a pretty high IQ because you wouldn't be a dentist if you weren't, right?
The cool thing is, is that your EQ or your emotional intelligence can absolutely be raised throughout your life and throughout the years by reading, by listening to podcasts, going to seminars, getting coached, being actually, and this is to answer your question, vulnerable or taking a little bit of a step back and taking a look at, I have, you know, if you truly believe that everything that happens to you is because of something that you've done. Now, it's not like the bad things in your life are your fault. It's, we don't get to choose what happens to us.
We just get to choose how we react to it. But if I'm truly the source of everything good and bad in my life or indifferent in my life, then I'm taking full responsibility for my communication, for how I show up, for my attitude, for all those things. And the, it's almost like the dentistry is the easy part.
To learn how to, you know, cut a crown or even learn a seric or place an implant, you guys can learn how to do that. The harder part is saying, how can I get better as a human being? And it's not always easy.
And sometimes it's not fun because you're having to face some of the maybe negative things that have either happened to you in your life or the reason why you have an automatic pattern. We call them our automatic patterns. So the way we react to a certain thing in life, whether it's, you know, the hygienist didn't co-discover with me or the patient didn't show up or somebody turned over the room incorrectly or whatever it is, how we react to that shows us a lot about our mindset, right?
And we, though, can choose to have a different mindset and to shift that. So how we do that is, I mean, a lot of personal coaching with our clients, you know, really digging into what makes them tick and what their mindset is and giving them the tools. It's not just like discovering it.
It's, you know, with Fortune, we have a ton of personal growth and development technologies. One, the main one that we teach our clients and our teams, the whole team gets to hear this, and one of the main ones would be emotional state management. So that doesn't mean not feeling negative emotions.
We're all going to feel our emotions. How are our emotions serving us and how are we reacting? And the two biggest ways that you can change your emotional state management is your physiology, like what you're doing.
So we're in the business of smiles so you can smile and breathe. Sometimes we're not even breathing when we're stressed out, right? And what we focus on.
So what are you focusing on? What questions are you asking yourself? If you ask yourself a question like is Mrs. Jones, you know, or you tell yourself Mrs. Jones is never going to say yes to that treatment plan that I've been talking to her about for a year, that's probably what's going to happen.
Or if you ask yourself a different question like how can I be with Mrs. Jones differently so that she maybe says yes or considers the treatment plan that I've been talking to her about because I know she needs it and I know it's going to help her and her smile. So the questions we ask ourselves and the mindset and our attitude says everything about our whole entire day. And we get to choose how we react to it.
And sometimes it's a hard pill to swallow, but the more that we work with our clients on that, so this emotional state management, I would also say that we associate meanings with a lot of things that happen in our life, right? And we get real attached to that meaning, like, oh, patient didn't show up, they must not care about me, or they didn't say yes to this $5,000 treatment plan, you know, they must not care about their teeth or whatever it is. We assign meaning to that.
And when we can realize that that's just our meaning, that the other person has a whole different meaning because they had lived a whole different life or your team member or whatever it is, and really get curious and find out what is going on with person A, that they're not understanding my treatment plan or I'm not being able to connect with my team member. Curiosity is a huge opener and a great skill to develop as a human being, really. And when you can get curious about how am I occurring with my patients or with my team, how am I occurring in the world, and how do I want to be, that's where we can have some great coaching.
And I've seen some amazing transformations in our clients around just them blossoming as leaders and really working on their own communication, and then the world opens up for them. It doesn't become as hard, or maybe the challenges become different, and then that's when they can really find not only freedom in their work, they can find joy, bring the joy back to dentistry, and build a team that really loves and cares about them and is loyal to them, and then the sky's the limit.
Man, we could unpack so much there. We could have a full podcast, and more just on curiosity. So I love all of that.
Let's dive into a little bit more about you, because all of this stuff, we'll pull a thread here, I think. You seem just like a very growth mindset person, right? You embody, you're not just telling your clients this, right?
You're living this as well. And one of the things that I've seen you talk a lot about is this idea of just getting better every day, 1% better every day. Why is this idea important to you, and how do you kind of live that in your daily life?
I would love to dive in a little bit deeper there.
Oh, yes, absolutely. Well, I do believe in that philosophy. I'm not perfect by any means, however.
And it's funny that you bring up the 1% because that was actually just a couple of weeks ago. We had our big Fortune Annual Meeting with all 130 coaches getting together where we get to work on ourselves and work on our business so that we can serve our clients even better. And 1% was the theme, really.
So it's all about how can we be 1% better every day or at least 5 days a week, you know? And it really adds up over time. And well, here's the deal.
So with New Year's Resolutions, when people are like, I'm going to work out no days a week, so I'm going to work out 9 days a week, which of course is impossible, sometimes we set our sights too high and then we don't achieve it. So our brain tells ourselves, you lazy person, you can't work out 9 days a week or whatever, right? So then we fall back into our old habits.
And as we know from actually investing and other just sort of truths and principles of nature, compounding growth actually is exponential. So if you were to get 1% better every single day, you're going to end up in a different direction. So what that means, when I talk to my clients about that, let's say they do want to make a huge change.
We talk about, what about making an incremental, small one degree change every day? So how about changing your huddle just a little bit, asking one different question in your huddle? Or how about in your new patient exam, doing one thing slightly different?
And then once they get good at that, we can add on something more and more and more. And also human beings, when we just, if we see ourselves fail at the nine days a week working out, we also, our brain sees success. So when your brain sees, oh, I did get good at that, and then you can get better and better and better every single day.
So your brain has a reticular activating system where it's building on top of it, just like compounding growth when you're talking about investments. It's the same thing. So how do I incorporate that in my own life?
Well, I think I like to, first of all, have a partner with my husband and actually now my kids who are teenagers. We all are marking down how many days, for instance, we're working out or talking about healthy meals, like getting everybody involved. I think having accountability partners is really important.
That's actually the beauty of having a coach. And of course, I have my own personal life coach that she kicks me in the butt all the time to keep me accountable. But I would also say, yeah, I think being around other people who are also bettering themselves, whoever they are, they say the five people you hang out with most or whatever it is, the people that you're surrounded with most, you would tend to adopt their habits.
So I think that I have surrounded myself with some pretty outstanding people. My local coaches here, my coaches across the country, my family, even my circle of girlfriends are all super supportive. And I think that's really important that we surround ourselves with people who are positive and are doing similar habits that we're trying to create in our life.
Look, life is hard enough, you know? So let's surround ourselves with good people that are also reading the books we want to read and things like that. I mean, I don't get into the car and drive even 10 or 15 minutes without listening to a podcast or a book on Audible.
You know, and the podcasts are amazing, like we're doing right now. They're free. They come through the air.
There's all this information. So the more I do things that are enriching my life, the more that I end up doing it. And then when I take a break and watch a silly Netflix show or sit around in an afternoon or whatever it might be, I'm not feeling guilty about it because I know that I've already put the work in to get things done.
Yeah, I love that. I mean, I think a lot about the book Atomic Habits and those kinds of things too in terms of, you know, it's those small, like it's not if you want to run a mile every morning, right? It's just getting out of bed, right?
It's like putting your shoes near the door. It's not actually going and doing the run that ends up being the hard thing or the like, you know, kind of limiting reagent to that change, right? And so I love that idea.
I talk with people all the time when we're talking about doing some of the stuff in the dental chair, like active listening or shared decision making, or things we know are super important to patients. It's like you don't have to go and totally change the way you communicate with patients, but there's evidence that shows that one reflective listening statement in an appointment, right, will help that patient have a greater sense of like autonomy support. And that's what we want, right?
And so like literally just one, try one, like try one for one whole day. Don't even do it with every single patient. Just try one, right?
That's right. So I love that idea of let's make these incremental changes because it is certainly, in my view, at least a way to make those changes in our life.
Well, exactly, Matt. And also the reason why I do all of these things in my life is so that I can be who I need to be for my team and for my clients. And so how we talk about this, you know, if you're a dentist or a team member, you know, taking care of your body and taking care of your mindset helps you be better with your team and with your patients.
So when you show up to the huddle, what are they getting? Are they getting the best of you or are they getting the maybe not so great part of you? And so you get to choose.
Yep, 100%. I love it. I absolutely love it.
Well, let's, you know, let's dive into making dental care more human. I know you're, you know, helping your clients understand this, helping them, you know, have these meaningful relationships with patients and their staff as well, right? I think it really extends beyond just patients.
But one of the first questions that I have here, so, you know, I know that the, your worldview of like how care gets better is not just, you know, top down, right? It's all encompassing with everyone. And that includes the patient.
And I think that part maybe gets misunderstood or underappreciated sometimes. So I would love to hear your perspective on what role you think patients have at Innovation. How can patients participate and help their care be the care that they want it to be?
Absolutely. Well, first of all, obviously, for them just giving you feedback. And when they give you feedback that's positive, like on a Google review or even verbally, that's awesome.
I've always said that the most valuable feedback, though, is some maybe not so positive feedback or some constructive feedback. And then it creates if we have safety amongst the team. And I don't mean OSHA.
I'm not talking about OSHA. That's important. I'm talking about, like, emotional safety and a team meeting.
And we can have a conversation around that. Like, you know, we've been getting some feedback from a couple of our patients, X, Y, and Z. How can we make sure that doesn't happen?
I think that's so, so valuable. In fact, that's almost the most valuable because if they don't tell you, they maybe don't come back. Because here's the thing, unless you're practicing in a pretty rural area, you most likely have, within a 3 to 5, 10 mile radius, many practices that these patients can go to.
And we also know that insurance shouldn't even be called insurance, which is a whole nother podcast, right? But we also know that our patients are having to pay out of pocket for their dental care, whether you have an in-house plan or even if they have dental insurance or a benefits plan, we like to call it. There's going to be some out of pocket.
So you better make sure that your patient experience is amazing so they want to come back and refer their friends and family. And if it's not, boy, it's important to really tweak those systems or those interactions. I also think so, of course, we can ask them in a survey and everything, which is, of course, what you guys are excited about.
But I also think we need to do a better job as dental professionals at asking better questions. And, of course, this comes back to the curiosity conversation we just had a few minutes ago. Every single patient that sits in your chair is different and they think different and they have different values.
They have different needs. And, of course, we can get the chief complaint. But why are they going to say yes to your treatment?
What my values of being a dental patient and what Mrs. Jones' values are going to be completely different. But we think everybody thinks like us and they don't. So I want our dental teams and one of the things we teach a lot is how to get real curious and ask some really open ended questions of the patient.
The patient doesn't take that long, a few questions to peel away the layers of the onion and figure out what makes this patient tick so that when you do present a treatment plan, you're connecting it with their values. So that's where if when we can understand our patients values like cosmetic driven patient is very different than a functional driven patient. You know, I want to eat my steak till I'm 90 is a very different conversation than I want to have a Julia Roberts smile.
Right. So we have to not put everybody in the same box and hear from our patients.
Yeah, so so powerful there just because like like you're saying earlier, like we have things don't just happen to us. And so if we want the patients to be a part of that, right, like we could sit there and be like, what's your chief complaint? And, you know, essentially just kind of like go with that and be like, cool, I got all the information I need.
Or we could be a little bit curious. Right. And when they say, hey, this part of my care isn't going great, it's super easy to just be like, that patient's crazy or, oh, like we just had one bad moment.
Like, you know, we don't really need to improve that process. Right. It's super easy to write that stuff off.
And what I love about you all is you're helping your clients to lean into those moments and say, no, no, no, no. Like, that could be the case. It could just be a one off here.
But like when we see it today and tomorrow and three days from now and fight, you know, like, not just a one off, like we're not going to write it off every time. We're going to help you fix this. Right.
That's right. And this is all about to we most of our or I would say all of our clients. I would say most dentists who go want to be a great practitioner are trying to build or working to build a relationship based practice.
So you can be a churn number of practice and that's fine. And that's serving that's serving people. And that's wonderful.
I'd rather people get some dental care than no dental care. However, if you want to make it easy on yourself, build a relationship based practice where patients are coming back over and over for years on end and referring their friends and family, because it's going to become a lot easier if you're going to try and if you're going to enroll them in a clear liner case or veneers or even a full mouth reconstruction when they when they really need it, if you've built that relationship with them. So treating them like everybody's the same is not going to be building that.
And again, this is not about the dentistry. This is about the EQ and the mindset part of being a mass, what we call a master communicator. And really taking that on, like how can I be a communicator where the patient or the team member, my spouse, whoever it is, really understands?
Because I take full responsibility for my communication, 100%. That's a hard one sometimes for people to try on. No, I told her she should know.
I take 100%. If she doesn't know something, I take that as I need to tell them in a different way. Maybe I need to ask some better questions.
So when you come from that mindset, your life will transform because most upsets happen because of a miscommunication or an unmet expectation. And so if you can communicate in an elegant way and make sure that they're understanding you, a lot of things open up. Life is a lot less stressful.
100% agree. We couldn't agree more on that. Yeah.
Last question for you here. We could have eight hours of podcast together. But obviously, the name of our company is DifferentKind for a couple of reasons, right?
We see that a lot. I'm a different kind of dentist. What does that really mean?
But then also the kindness piece, right? We want to bring this to dentistry. So my question for you just in terms of how you all at Fortune are doing this, how are you making dentistry different?
How are you making it more human?
Great. Yeah, great question. I love your whole philosophy.
It's so very aligned with us. I would say, well, one of the recent authors, so of course I'm somebody who reads a lot of books, and of course I'll make these books into different workshops. We actually created our whole entire annual planning day this last December and January, where every client in Fortune went through this annual planning day, where partly it's crunching your numbers for next year and figuring out how many patients you want to get, what you want to collect, how you want a bonus, all that.
We also bring in a theme. And this year we brought in Will Gadara's Unreasonable Hospitality book, which is a super cool book if you haven't read it. It's all about how he managed and then owned Eleven Madison Park, which is a very, very high-end Michelin star rated restaurant in New York City.
So a lot of dentists might be thinking themselves, well, I'm not a Michelin star restaurant in New York. In Manhattan, you know, it's super fancy. They were doing very, very out there dishes that were extremely imaginative and creative.
The idea, though, in the book is that any business that's in a hospitality business, and so guess what? Dentistry and health care is in a hospitality business. How can you make that experience for the customer, diner, or patient in our case, absolutely unique and absolutely unique?
Now, it doesn't have to be every single patient. However, are there certain patients, if you look at your schedule to this morning, and there are certain patients that you know have something unique that they're interested in or they told you last time they were in about something that they did, and not just about vacations and babies and grandbabies. I know everybody's doing that, and they're making their notes in their software to bring that up.
How can you really knock their socks off and have a truly different experience? So just getting our clients in that mindset of how they can do that brings in a whole bit of kindness, because you can't make something unique unless you're truly coming from the heart and being kind. And I also just kind of goes back to asking all those great questions of like, what makes this person tick, and what are their fears, and what are their emotions about going to the dentist?
How can you make that a kinder, gentler experience for them? And it does take some creativity and it takes some shifting your mindset a little bit, maybe how you do things and maybe, yeah, and maybe after work going and buying something at the store, even if it's something silly and small, like they wish they were at the beach, so maybe you bring some sand and you put it on the, I don't know, you can play around with some different ideas. But figuring out how do we make this a unique experience for the patient and bring in that kindness?
I would also say that doctors, business owners, if you want your team members to be kind to your patients, you must be kind to them. And that goes into this whole leadership conversation when you are, you know, and not just saying, oh, I pay them really well and I'm, and they, you know, I give them a bonus, whatever it might be, that kindness, you know, connect with your team members. How are they doing?
What's going on in their lives? Because everybody's got things going on in their lives that are sometimes challenging, sometimes celebrate, celebrating with them when they have good things happen, because that will reverberate down to the patients. The other thing is it's kind of marketing.
When the patients see that the team members are being treated well and kind by their doctor, they want to come back because I don't know about you, Matt, but I like to spend my money where I know that the employees are being treated well, and it's no different in your dental practice.
100% agree. And yeah, I think that's a, you know, that's the kind of like, hey, what are you saying when no one's listening type of thing, you know, and that's definitely like, that's where I think people notice that, right? Like, you might not think they do, but they definitely do.
And, you know, that's where the rubber meets the road. It's easy to be nice to the person who's coming in and giving you a whole bunch of money that day, right? It might not be as easy because you might be frustrated or there might be something going on in the office, but it's like, hey, you can still be kind.
You can still treat your staff.
Yes, and you can still give feedback in a kind way, right? So it's and I think that sometimes people say, oh, you've got to be nice and kind and leadership means not giving feedback. No, you got to give feedback because if I'm messing up, if I'm this dental assistant and I'm setting up the tray incorrectly every single time and it's upsetting my doctor, I want to know because I want to be better.
So giving feedback is huge. And if you've built up your what we call your emotional bank account with a lot of kind interactions and the person knows you care about them, then when you do give them feedback, they can take it a lot better. But if it's just giving them feedback negatively, it's probably going to have adverse effects.
Yes, 100% finding the bright spots, right? That, you know, consistently allows, gives you that emotional bank account or however you just put it was better than what I just said. So I absolutely love it, Kim.
This is a great conversation. I'm excited to continue it with you, you know, in various ways. If people are like, Hey, you know what?
Fortune seems like a great fit for me, you know, as a practice owner, or if there's like, Hey, I want to learn more about what you do. Where do they go to learn more? Help us help us understand, you know, where we find that information.
Absolutely. Well, I would say the first thing would be on our website is fortunemgmt.com. We have a bunch of videos on there.
All 130 of our coaches are listed on there, so you can easily find somebody in your area. You can contact us that way. I also you can always get a complimentary coaching session with one of our amazing coaches across the country that's in your area, which is totally complimentary to you.
And we'd love to we love just meeting people. We love to meet all the amazing dentists in our communities. So you can go to our website to find a coach.
You also, if you're interested in going to a live event where we've been doing live seminars for 35 years, and we're not going to stop. So there are live seminars going on in every single market, almost every single. Well, not every market every week, but going on in every market all throughout the year.
So I would recommend going on to our website and seeing what speakers are coming to your town or your city. And we'd love to see you at one of our live events. We have people coming all the time to check us out and to see if our philosophy fits who you are, if you're looking for some help.
And we work with all different types of doctors. We work with doctors who are just starting out. We work with doctors who are struggling.
We also work with doctors who are doing great and want to go to the next level. Because, Matt, as you know, there's always another level. And if you are wanting to adopt a more entrepreneurial mindset, we're probably a great fit for you.
I love it. Yep. 100%.
When we think about that in that sports analogy, I love the coaching analogy because everyone at least has seen sports, even if you don't love sports. But the best players out there, the most world-class players out there have coaches and the best teams have coaches. And there's absolutely no reason for any of us to not think about becoming better with a coach.
That's right.
Thank you, Kim, for taking the time to join us. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for doing the work that you do every day to bring this humanity and this connection and this leadership to, I think, an industry that really needs what you offer.
So I really appreciate you taking the time today. And I guess I definitely look forward to continuing the conversation.
It's been truly my pleasure, Matt. Thank you so much for having me on.